This page includes the regions of interest (ROIs) used for the quantification of circuits of interest in the following article published in Biological Psychiatry, 2021:
Mapping neural circuit biotypes to symptoms and behavioral dimensions of depression
and anxiety. Andrea N. Goldstein-Piekarski, Tali M. Ball, Zoe Samara, Brooke R. Staveland, Arielle S. Keller, Scott L. Fleming, Katherine A. Grisanzio, Bailey Holt-Gosselin, Patrick Stetz, Jun Ma, Leanne M. Williams
PMID: 34482948
Please cite this article as:
Goldstein-Piekarski A.N., Ball T.M., Samara Z., Staveland B.R., Keller A.S., Fleming S.L., Grisanzio K.A., Holt-Gosselin B., Stetz P., Ma J. & Williams L.M., Mapping neural circuit biotypes to symptoms and behavioral dimensions of depression and anxiety, Biological Psychiatry (2021), DOI:
To download the ROI files and a table with detailed information on each ROI,
please click here.
The download includes:
1) A folder called "rois", which contains the 98 ROIs in NIFTI format listed in the Supplementary Tables S3A and S3B of the article.
2) A table called "biolpsy_98_rois_info", provides details on each ROI contained in the "rois" folder, corresponding to the information in Supplementary Tables S3A and S3B of the article.